西川京子・立木茂雄・橋本直子・横山登志子・安川友加里(1999).「家族要因とアルコール問題を持つIdentified PatientIP)の断酒・飲酒との関連:家族機能、共依存、家族グループ・自助グループ参加などの要因を中心にして」,『日本アルコール・薬物医学会雑誌』Vol.34, No.1, 63-73.

Kyoko NisikawaShigeo TatsukiNaoko Hashimoto, Tosiko Yokoyama, Yukari Yasukawa M.A (1999). Correlation between abstinence and drinking of Identified Patient(IP)with family factors: Centering on factors such as family functionco-dependencefamily group and self help group participation, Japanese Journal of Alcohol Studies & Drug Dependence, Vol. 34, No. 1, 63-73.

Running Title:家族要因とIPの断酒・飲酒との関連


1994年に、アルコール依存症者(Identified PatientIP)の妻を対象に調査を実施し、IPの断酒継続に影響を与える家族要因として家族機能、共依存、家族グループ、自助グループ参加などを中心に検討した。105名の回答から、高い家族機能度、弱い共依存度、家族グループの10回以上の参加、自助グループ参加が断酒継続とつよく関連していることが実証できた。



In 1994survey was conducted to 105 wives of alcoholicsIdentified PatientIP),taking in consideration of the family functionco-dependencefamily group and self-help group as influencing factors for abstinence of IPThe outcome showed that high family functionweak co-dependence and participation in family groups, high association with abstinence was found only when they attended more than 10 sessions. On the other handeven only single session attendance to a self-help group by an alcoholic or by his spouse showed high association with the continuous abstinence

This study is an investigationwith chi-square testbased on the second survey of 1995 for verifying after a years follow-upcorrelation between the condition of IP and family factors

At the cohesion levelthe correlation of the family function was significantly higher in abstinence group compared to drinking groupThe Family system change was significantly higher in abstinence group compared to drinking group. At the level of Involved traits”,co-dependence was significantly lower in abstinence group compared to drinking group

As for participation in family group and self-help groupThere were no significant difference among abstinence group and drinking group


Key Words:Family functioningCo-dependenceAbstinenceFACESKGV,ASTWA

URL:http://www-soc.kwansei.ac.jp/tatsuki/papers/Alcohol/One year follow up.html

All Rights Reserved. COPYRIGHT(C) 1998-99, Shigeo TATSUKI

Department of Social Work, School of Sociology, Kwansei Gakuin University


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